About this post: This whole semester I have been taking pictures with a camera. We are learning in class that a scanner is the same thing as a camera. This week instead of using a camera to take pictures I used a scanner.
Title: Hungry
Date/Time: 6/4/11, 8:34 PM
Location: Rupert, ID
Scanner: hp
Other: I scanned all three pictures and then used photoshop to put all three together. I put the candy bar in the mouth using a mask. I duplicated and meged layers together to do the design and pattern.
Title: Games
Date/Time: 6/4/11, 7:55 PM
Location: Rupert, ID
Scanner: hp
Hey David. I love your combined scan! How creative! I would only suggest using the rule of thirds, but you did a great job. I also really like how the individual shot turned out. You probably could have worked a little more with the overall flow in the image, but it turned out great. On your first border image, I probably would have pushed the top of it down a little bit. My eyes go straight to the top of the page where the white stripe is and want to stay there. I really like how the swing image turned out as well, great work.