Monday, June 20, 2011

Large Format Print

For this post we were asked to do a poster print of one of our pictures. I used this one taken at Bannack Ghost Town in Montana. It is an HDR of the side of an old building. Afterwards I lightened the side of a building and changed the white ballance to bring out the browns. There was a place in the window where the sky was purple so I painted over that to make it gray. I used adjustment layers with masks on the side of the building and the grass. I heightened the saturation on parts of it too. I then printed it out as a 24x36 inch poster and made a frame out of oak with the help of my wife's dad and put it all together with the help of my brother-in-law.

Title: Siding
Date/Time: 5/25/11, 11:26 AM
Location: Bannack, MT
F-Stop: f/3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/320, 1/3200, 1/1000
Camera: Canon EOS 60D
Other: Taking the three photos and using Dynamic Photo I combined them into a High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photo. This allowed me to use all of the lightest and darkest areas and all the mid-tones int he photos to get something with a lot of contrast.

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